Animal And Wildlife Trapping And Removal Service

Critter Gitter Animal Trapping Removal Service

Affordable Animal Trapping and Removal Service Starting At $175.00

We Service Pinellas, Pasco, and West Hillsborough County.

We provide affordable animal trapping and removal in the following service areas.

Our animal trapping and removal service is not only affordable, but it is also comprehensive and tailored to fit your needs. Our service includes inspection, analysis and consultation as well as the trapping and removal of animals.

Animal trapping is an acquired skill developed over years of hands on experience. A successful trapper must possess the skill of reading the surroundings and anticipating the animals behavior. This is where we excel. Without this skill set time is wasted playing Whack-a-mole with a trap.

Armadillo Trapping and Removal

Armadillo trapping and removal in Pinellas, Pasco, and West Hillsborough. Including Port Richey, New Port Richey, Holiday, Tarpon Springs, Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Clearwater. As well as Largo, Safety Harbor, Oldsmar, West Chase, Citrus Park, East Lake, Seven Springs, Trinity, Keystone, Odessa.  Starting $175.00

Opossum trapping and removal

Opossum trapping and removal.  Pinellas, Pasco, and West Hillsborough. Including Port Richey, New Port Richey, Holiday, Tarpon Springs, Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Clearwater. As well as Largo, Safety Harbor, Oldsmar, West Chase, Citrus Park, East Lake, Seven Springs, Trinity, Keystone, Odessa.  Starting $175.00

Raccoon trapping and removal

Raccoon trapping and removal. Pinellas, Pasco, and West Hillsborough. Including Port Richey, New Port Richey, Holiday, Tarpon Springs, Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Clearwater. As well as Largo, Safety Harbor, Oldsmar, West Chase, Citrus Park, East Lake, Seven Springs, Trinity, Keystone, Odessa.  Starting $175.00

Squirrel trapping and removal

Squirrel trapping and removal. Pinellas, Pasco, and West Hillsborough. Including Port Richey, New Port Richey, Holiday, Tarpon Springs, Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Clearwater. As well as Largo, Safety Harbor, Oldsmar, West Chase, Citrus Park, East Lake, Seven Springs, Trinity, Keystone, Odessa.  Starting $175.00

Snake trapping and removal

Snake trapping and removal. Pinellas, Pasco, and West Hillsborough. Including Port Richey, New Port Richey, Holiday, Tarpon Springs, Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Clearwater. As well as Largo, Safety Harbor, Oldsmar, West Chase, Citrus Park, East Lake, Seven Springs, Trinity, Keystone, Odessa.  Starting $150.00

We use and recommend Critter Gitter Snake Traps

Gopher Tortoise trapping and onsite relocation

Gopher Tortoise trapping and onsite relocation. Pinellas, Pasco, and West Hillsborough. Including Port Richey, New Port Richey, Holiday, Tarpon Springs, Palm Harbor, Dunedin. As well as Clearwater, Largo, Safety Harbor, Oldsmar, West Chase, Citrus Park, East Lake, Seven Springs, Trinity, Keystone, Odessa.  Starting $1500.00

Call Or Text 813.785.9117

Affordable Animal Trapping And Removal Service Includes:

Photo Inspection
We will inspect and photograph any evidence of animals and the presently used points of entry as well as areas that may be a problem in the future.

After inspection, we will discuss our findings with you and discuss your concerns. Together we can then formulate the best course of action.

During the trapping process, we will keep you informed of our progress. We will explain what we are doing and why. We also welcome your input as to any changes in animal behavior so we can make any necessary changes. This is essential for the best results because you are the resident eyes and ears.

Do not chase an animal that is in the living area of your house. Try to contain it in one room by closing the doors. If the animal is small such as a snake, rat or mouse, you should place towels tightly under the doors. This will prevent it from escaping while waiting for professional help to arrive.

By following these instructions the animal will be less frightened and as a result, cause less damage. A frightened animal being chased or cornered is more likely to attack. They will also cause more damage by climbing up curtains and soiling on furniture and carpets.

Personalized service is what we do best and is the reason why so many choose and recommend Critter Gitter Service.

Call now for affordable animal trapping and removal!

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Critter Gitter Animal Trapping Removal Service

Animal And Snake Trapping And Removal Prices

Our Prices Are Straight Forward With No Hidden Costs

Snake Trapping And Removal $150.00
We use and recommend Critter Gitter Snake Traps

Animal Trapping And Removal – Basic Service $175.00 includes up to 7 days or the removal of one animal.

Animal Trapping And Removal – Full Service Starting $250.00 includes full inspection and consultation. Set up, 7 days of trapping with 3 service visits, and the removal of up to 3 animals. You may continue service at an additional cost of $75.00 which includes up to 7 additional days of trapping or the removal of 1 additional animal.

Gopher Tortoise Trapping And Onsite Relocation Starting $1500.00

Inspection  $100.00  (will be applied towards trapping if you choose to do so at that time).
Inspection is a great idea if you are buying or just bought a home, or if you think you may have a critter problem but are not sure. We will come out and inspect for any evidence of critters. We will also inspect for any entry points being used now, or that may be used in the future.

Dead Animal Removal  $150- $200.00
Dead Animal Removal Service includes searching for the location of the animal and the removal if accessible. It also includes disinfecting and deodorizing the area under the carcass.

Critter Proofing  $35-$100.00*
Critter Proofing Service starts after trapping and the building appears to be animal-free. An animal sealed in will often chew and claw through a ceiling or wall to get out, or it may die in an area that is not accessible and may need to be extricated.

It is wise to not only seal the entry points being used now but also all other areas that can be used in the future. An adult rat needs less than one square inch to pass through and if it decides to stay, it can and will chew the opening as large as it likes. A rodent’s teeth grow several inches per year making it possible and necessary for them to spend most of their time chewing to keep their teeth filed down to the proper length.

* The cost of animal exclusion for a single-story building is usually $35-$75 per entry point with trapping or inspection service.
The cost of animal exclusion for a single-story building without trapping or inspection service is usually $35-$75 per entry point with $100 minimum.

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